레이더 센서 신호 처리 및 검증 툴 (MFC)
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Visualization with Gnuplot
Gnuplot을 이용하여 데이터 시각화 (python)
Gnuplot을 이용하여 숫자 데이터를 시각화 (python)
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The Undergraduate's Guide to the Perceptron
SingleLayered Perceptron in Artificial Intelligence
The Undergraduate’s Guide to the Perceptron
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Bomb Lab
System Software assignment
Bomb Lab
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Attack Lab
System Software assignment
Attack Lab
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Facial Emotion Detection (Based on HD Computing)
Summer 2021 Global Research Experience in Artificial inTelligence(GREAT)
Facial Emotion Detection (Based on HD Computing)
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머신러닝을 활용한 경량 지진탐지 모델 개발
Earthquake transformer - deap learning model
머신러닝을 활용한 경량 지진탐지 모델 개발
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5-Queens Problem 머신러닝
유전 알고리즘 (Genetic Algorithm)
5-Queens Problem (Genetic Algorithm)
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EQTransformer model
Earthquake transformer - deap learning model
EQTransformer 코드 실행 및 설명
최초 작성일: 2021년 7월 29일(목)
논문: https://rdcu.be/b58li
github 주소: https://github.com/smousavi05/EQTransformer
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